Movies About Emotional Abuse

I've had a hard time finding good movies that address this subject in a good way - a way that is NOT about seeking vengeance. And thus far, these three are the only ones I've found. Most movies portray this problem being between teenagers in schools, but it happens to adults too. And adults can be just as hurt by it as children can. This is NOT just a school problem; its a VERY serious problem that infiltrates our families and workplaces and communities, as well as our schools. For some victims it has been an excruciatingly painful ongoing hell that follows them everywhere they go and destroys various aspects of their lives.

The "Nowhere Safe" movie is about a girl who is traumatized by hateful people who pretend to be her saying mean and insulting things about other people on a website. My heart ached all the way through it, even the second time I watched it, because I have experienced a similar thing.
In my situation it was my two older sisters pretending to be me in my own email account where they had direct contact with my closest friends and some of my family members. I had no family member to support and help me through it, like the girl in this movie did, because my sisters called other family members and told them that I was the one who was being mean and was making up things against them, so that none of my other loved ones would listen to or believe me if I said anything about what THEY were doing to me.
   Nowhere Safe is about school kids, but the hateful fabrications, and the abuser's projections of their own cruel abusive behaviors onto the victim, are just as devastating to adults, especially when it causes the loss of their loved ones, and especially when it is done by family members. The projections are a VERY harmful combination of both mental and emotional abuse. (I wish there were accurate lie detection technologies, that can be used in our families and schools and work places.)
   This movie has a good ending, because the victim in it had support in a public stand up with the truth about what happened to her. If only all victims could have such kind and caring support. Unfortunately there is no such happy ending for victims who have no support where the abuse freely continues. For some there is no end to it at all.

Nowhere Safe;

The 2011 "Ciberbully" movie is a good depiction of what people go through with online bullying. It's about a girl who is Emotionally Abused by friends at school and one also attacks her through a fake profile in a social media forum.
   I cried during the part where the victim breaks down and then her mother stops her from killing herself. I hit that same point when I was 15 years old. In my situation I gave no warning to anyone - I just took a bunch of pills and went to bed. They only found out because I started vomiting what looked like blood. But I screamed for my mother to "let me die," just like the girl in the movie did. I was in an unbearable amount of pain. And I felt like there was no other way out because, in my situation, the abuse was being done by members of my own family (mostly my two older sisters) both at home and at school. After my suicide attempt I became angry that they saved me. I did not try to kill myself again, because I realized how much pain it caused my mother. But I still wanted out, with every fiber of my being. So, I ended up quitting school and leaving home, when I was fifteen years old. And then I found support with a friend and her minister.
   Cyberbully ends with a group of decent people openly standing up and confronting the worse abusers, letting them know that their behaviors were being viewed as shameful and bad and wrong and NOT funny or cool, at all. A whole room full of students stood up for the victim, in the end of this movie. If only all victims could have that many good decent caring people in their lives. (I had no support at home or at school.) 

This Cyberbully movie is the 2011 TV movie, not to be confused with others that have been given the same name since this one came out.  It was removed from the youtube address right after I posted it here, but it is also at;

Cyberbully Movie (2011)

Crimes of the Mind; 2014 Lifetime movie...

I just watched an interesting movie, which was inspired by a true story. It shows obvious Emotional Abuse being used by a cult to tear down and brainwash a girl, in order to destroy her relationship with her mother and make her more controllable. There is not a doubt in my mind that various types of Emotional Abuse and brainwashings are VERY common and that it is being done by more than just known organized cults. I feel that these sorts of abusive behaviors exist in MANY of our communities and families, and that their existence, and their harmful effects, are far worse than most people have realized. Everyone should become aware of this, so that more can be done to stop it from happening and help free the victims of it.
   I knew a teen girl who was almost lost, due to being brainwashed. The villains had worked at brainwashing her and turning her against her mother through late night phone calls, which she was instructed to do with a phone card they sent her. But they waited until she turned 18, before trying to zoom in to fully claim her, so that law enforcement officials could not be used to retrieve her. As the mother fought to save her daughter, through hiring a private detective, the villains called the police and made it look like the mother was the one who was stalking and harassing them. In the end the mother did get her daughter away from them, because she sensed something wrong early in the game and because she had repeatedly reached out to her daughter with her heart and with the truths that the private investigator had found, but it appears that the daughter did not fully recover from what they did to her, due to none of them being fully aware of the brainwashings and their effects.
   My general situation is not like the one in this movie, but some of the sadistic tactics are identical to some of the things that my two older sisters have done to me and other family members. Among other things, the part where the villain degrades the girl's mother and tells her to not be like her mother, was VERY similar to what my oldest sister did to my oldest daughter. And I was shocked to find that, in this movie, they made the girl terrified of her parents by convincing her that they would imprison her in an asylum if she went back home. I wonder if this is a common tactic used by cults. Its a tactic that my second oldest sister has used on me since 2003. The villain in this movie also projected her own abusive behaviors onto the girl's mother - calling her "evil" and "insane," just like my sister does, in order to turn people against me. My sister also used to tell people that I had joined a "satanic occult." Due to her habit of projecting bad things, that she has done, onto me; this is like her admitting that SHE had joined a satanic cult. (I certainly never did.) I now have little doubt that she did indeed join one, and that the cult has helped BOTH of my sisters to target me and my other loved ones.
   My 90 year old father has recently been the worse victim of the Emotional Abuse and brainwashings that have been happening inside my own family. They sabotaged his relationships with his two sons and I, and then took him from his New Hampshire home, directly after he had a traumatic experience (which they either instigated or took advantage of) and then they isolated him in Ohio, in January of this year of 2023. After being confronted, my sister claimed that she has to protect our father from his sons and I, but it is really her and my other sister, and the hell they raise in his other relationships, that he needs protection from. Since they had been confronted, both of my sisters have been changing things to make it look like they were not doing what they had indeed done. But my father is still trapped on Ohio with my second oldest sister and he still thinks that she is being nothing but "wonderful" to him and is trustworthy. My father is so brainwashed that he can not see what she does even when she makes it is blatantly obvious.
   In the beginning of this last round of this situation with my father; my brothers did basically the same thing that the step father did in this movie - they thought that my father would call one of us for help and want to return home on his own. This was because they were not aware of the severity of the emotional abuse and brainwashing that had already been done to our father since at least 2003. I knew, but they had all been convinced that I was crazy, so I didn't have a leg to stand on. (My brothers and I were also being emotionally abused through the whole process of my sisters trying to isolate our father, so it was hard for any of us to keep our heads above water.)
   Since my father has been in Ohio, he appears to have become even more of an extension of my second oldest sister and even less like himself than he was before. She uses him as if he were her own personal little puppet that she owns. And he SEEMS happy to comply, but he is not free to do anything but comply.

This movie portrays a VERY REAL problem. The real "crime of the mind" problem is not only happening to teenagers and its not always obviously abusive, like is portrayed in the movie. I think its a VERY wide spread problem in our communities, which is often so subtle and manipulative that most people do not even realize its happening. This movie also portrays the need for new laws and more awareness of these sorts of none-physical crimes, so that law enforcement can do more to help the victims. Emotional Abuse, and the brainwashings that often accompany it, are VERY dangerous and harmful and should be prosecutable crimes, especially in severe situations like what is portrayed in this movie. Whether its a child or an adult should not matter, because people who are being emotionally abused and/or brainwashed are not free to make their own choices, no matter what age they are. And absolutely NOBODY should ever be left trapped in this sort of situation.
   In this movie, the mother had to go against the laws, and kidnap her own daughter, in order to save her, after five years of unsuccessfully trying to do it the legal way. And in the end they got her back and helped her to see the truth about what had happened to her. However, they were not able to press charges and stop the villain from continuing to harm others. And I have no doubt that there are MANY situations like this in real life.

Crimes of the Mind; 2014 Lifetime movie

P.S. I just did a web search on "laws against brainwashing" and found nothing at all. Brainwashing is an extremely harmful thing, that destroys people's lives, through taking away their free will...etc., and it should be illegal. Other forms of brainwashing are also done with the use of certain types of drugs and certain frequencies of radio waves, that interfere with natural brain function.

Thanks to movies like these there is hope for enough awareness to spread, in order to help make this abuse a prosecutable crime in EVERY community. Some abusers do not have enough heart or conscience to stop when they are confronted - some have to be forced to stop. We really need more Law Makers to step up to the plate and create a way for the victims to stop the abuse.

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