The "Guilt Tripping" Scenario

Guilt Tripping; Intentionally trying to make a person feel bad or feel responsible for something when they are not responsible for it... or if they are and can no longer do anything to change what they did and had already faced it and made amens for it.

I did not add guilt trips under my listings of things that are Emotional Abuse, because there is a lot of gray area in the guilt trip scenario. I think that "Guilt Tripping" is often used as a way for abusers to make their victim wrong for standing up and exposing or talking about the abuse - the guilty sometimes accuse people of "guilt tripping," when they do not want to look at or take responsibility for their own wrong doings. People who are doing wrong should feel guilty about it, and sometimes helping them to realize the wrong, helps their conscience to choose to behave in ways that are not hurtful. 

Guilt is like a healthy barometer in our conscience. Healthy guilt is a good thing, because it guides us into better behaviors.  

If we feel guilty about doing something it means that we will probably not do it again. Most of the time we do not feel guilty about something unless we are guilty, and if we are guilty we will feel guilty until we reach the point of forgiving ourselves, unless we have no conscience. But this does NOT make abusive guilt tripping OK. Its a real abusive guilt trip when the intent is to make a person feel bad or feel responsible for something, when they are not responsible for it or if they can no longer do anything to change what they did and had already faced it and made amens for it...etc.

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