Emotional Abuse and Brainwashing

Severe levels of emotional abuse are sometimes accompanied by brainwashing. In this method of brainwashing; a person is torn down through the intentional infliction of emotional pain, then they are manipulated into doing what the abuser wants them to do, while they are in an impressionable state of trauma. (Abusers also zoom in to take advantage of people who are already in emotional turmoil, like after they have experienced a death or a loss or a dispute with loved ones or are confused teenagers...etc.) My sister has done this to my father, to a massive degree. And I will soon share more about the three severe rounds of it that I am aware of. Please check back later. 

P.S. Other forms of brainwashing are also done with the use of certain types of drugs and certain frequencies of radio waves, that interfere with natural brain function.

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